Group Conscious Living Health Chaney Root, Chamomile Flower, Purple Sea-Moss, Raspberry Leaf, Wildcrafted Seamoss
5 ways to increase consciousness

Here we have compiled some of the best ways to start increasing your consciousness, dive in below and see what resonates with you.


Meditation is the art of quieting the mind and allowing yourself to focus solely on your breathing and bodily sensations. This involves finding a comfortable position to sit or lay usually starting for the first time 10-20 minutes and working your way up. The benefits of meditation shows that you can reduce stress or anxiety and even gives you more clarity. There is no right or wrong way to do it however the more you practise and make time it, the better you will become therefore the more benefits you shall draw from it.


Meditation and mindfulness go hand in hand, to summarise mindfulness it is the act of doing anything with intense presence and consciousness. Have you ever noticed when you’re carrying out an activity that your brain is running around thinking about 101 things and not actually concentrating on the task or activity at hand? Yep we have also been here too.

Mindfulness examples:
Walking to work? Notice how the air feels on your face and how the warm sun feels on your skin
Driving to the shop? Give your full presence to operating the vehicle and how grateful you are to have a vehicle that can take you anywhere in the country.
Having a shower? Enjoy the sensation of the warm water washing over your skin.

Auditing yourself
3.1. Old & new habits

The next best thing to look to when increasing your consciousness is monitoring your old habits and purging the ones that no longer serve you. Start by creating a list of your habits over a daily period, once completed start by crossing out the ones which are non progressive, unconscious and straight up bad for you. Create a list of what new habits you could introduce into your life i.e meditating, exercising everyday, writing down affirmations first thing in the morning and so on. Your habits are what will dictate your life and where you end up so pick wisely.
3.2, Audit your diet & make changes

Did you know that humans have 2 brains? The second brain is our gut which means having a higher level of consciousness is not just impacted by what we do but also what we put inside our body. It’s crucial that you take time to audit your daily/weekly eating habits as a poor unbalanced diet is a fast way to lower your vibration. Remember this, everything you eat has a vibration, it’s either high or low, alkaline or acidic, therefore is always adding towards your health or illness. This is not a guide to tell you what to eat, simply one that is making you THINK about what you’re putting into the body.

Regularly immerse yourself into nature

Did you know that regularly going for a walk in nature can make us more present of what we see, hear, smell and feel. There is something special about nature and when you immerse yourself in it regularly you’ll start to feel an energetic presence all around you. When you spend time in nature you realign with the field of awareness that embodies all creation. Your ancestral roots are in nature so make it a priority to get out into nature every once in a while. It won’t take long for this to become your new hobby.

Protect your energy
Monitoring your external information intake

Fifth and final point of our guide is being mindful about what external information you intake. This boils down to anything from what you’re watching, listening to, the conversations you have and so on. It’s very easy to get lost in TV, Social media, Netflix and ask yourself where time has gone or to take part in unconscious conversations that can be draining to you. Once you’ve completed this guide, take some time to identify what your intake over the week looks like and how it leaves you feeling. Is it filling up your cup or depleting it?

We’ve listed some ideas below to help you get started:

Start reading a book – Ideally a personal development or area of interest
Research your area of interest – Wanted to start that business? Go and research what it takes to get you started
Find content that is based on factual information to educate you on something new.

We hope you found this guide insightful and helpful. EV

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