There are many types of anaemia, however it is most commonly known as a deficiency of red blood cells or Hemoglobin in the blood. Hemoglobin is an iron rich protein that helps red blood cells carry oxygen around the body. If the cells in your body are not getting enough oxygen you may feel the effects of tiredness or fatigue. The main cause of anaemia is a lack of iron in the body. Below we have listed the top 5 herbs which can help to treat anaemia and restore the body to full health. All herbs below can be boiled and steeped and enjoyed as a tea.
- Sarsaparilla Root
This is the most potent iron herb you can buy today and would be our first recommendation for anyone suffering with anaemia. It purifies the blood and helps to transport oxygen in the blood to the brain and the whole body! It is rich in minerals and vitamins but mainly IRON.
- Burdock Root
Well known for its cleansing and restorative properties Burdock root can assist in the absorption of iron when mixed with other herbs. It helps to break down toxins and eliminate waste from the body which overall helps to cleanse the blood.
- Dandelion Root
Dandelion is an extremely nutrient rich herb, full of Iron and many wonderful vitamins and minerals. Both the root and the leaf can be consumed, it is a great herb to use for gentle cleansing of the liver and promotes good bacteria in the colon.
- Blue Vervain
Vervain is a great herb for supplying oxygen to the blood cells in the body while cleaning the blood. This herb has wonderful effects on the body and is said to have fast healing properties when consistently ingested.
- Chaney Root
Harvested from the Jamaican woodlands this root is full of iron and is great for increasing physical strength while reducing fatigue. It has blood cleansing properties which makes it an ideal root for anaemia sufferers while packing many other benefits.
To remind you all the herbs listed have other healing benefits such as, liver, kidney and colon cleansing, Anti-cancer properties, Anti-inflammatory properties, treats skin conditions and many many more. For additional information on anything listed please get in touch with us at contact@consciouslivinghealth.com or send us a message on Instagram.
Always do your research before consuming herbs, if you’re currently taking medication seek advice from a holistic practitioner to ensure there are no interactions.